Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is similar to Partial Least Squares (PLS), except for one objective; while PLS focuses on maximizing covariance, CCA maximizes the correlation. This difference sometimes incurs quite distinct results compared to PLS. For algorithm aspects, we used recursive gram-schmidt orthogonalization in conjunction with extracting projection vectors under eigen-decomposition formulation, as the problem dimension matters only up to original dimensionality.
do.cca(data1, data2, ndim = 2)
an \((n\times N)\) data matrix whose rows are observations
an \((n\times M)\) data matrix whose rows are observations
an integer-valued target dimension.
a named list containing
an \((n\times ndim)\) matrix of projected observations from data1
an \((n\times ndim)\) matrix of projected observations from data2
a \((N\times ndim)\) whose columns are loadings for data1
a \((M\times ndim)\) whose columns are loadings for data2
a list containing information for out-of-sample prediction for data1
a list containing information for out-of-sample prediction for data2
a vector of eigenvalues for iterative decomposition.
Hotelling H (1936). “RELATIONS BETWEEN TWO SETS OF VARIATES.” Biometrika, 28(3-4), 321--377.
## generate 2 normal data matrices
mat1 = matrix(rnorm(100*12),nrow=100)+10 # 12-dim normal
mat2 = matrix(rnorm(100*6), nrow=100)-10 # 6-dim normal
## project onto 2 dimensional space for each data
output = do.cca(mat1, mat2, ndim=2)
## visualize
opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
plot(output$Y1, main="proj(mat1)")
plot(output$Y2, main="proj(mat2)")